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Writer's picture: Raquel McKenzie Raquel McKenzie

Many individuals are struggling to comprehend the results of the recent election. I have consistently been forecasting for eight months now that Donald Trump will emerge victorious, not because I desire it to happen, or didn’t but because it may align with what the universe deems necessary. While most are fixated on the tangible aspects of this event, have you pondered the energetic viewpoint? Within the realm of dualism, closures are essential for fresh beginnings to unfold. Selected individuals come in two forms - those who usher in darkness and those who bring forth light. Both play vital roles in the grand design. One must confront and resolve their own darkness before fully embracing the light. Transformation can only occur when we acknowledge and accept responsibility for our actions, enabling us to shed guilt and shame. We are entering a phase where we will be compelled to confront our darkness on an individual level - the actions we condoned, the things we overlooked or failed to perceive.

In the midst of this turmoil and confusion, it is imperative to remember that balance is key. The energies at play are not just political or social; they are deeply spiritual and transformative. This period of upheaval is an opportunity for personal growth and collective evolution. It is a time to reflect on our own beliefs and values, and to reassess our role in shaping the world around us. As we navigate through these turbulent times, it is crucial to remain grounded and centered, to stay connected to our inner wisdom and intuition. Trust that the universe has a plan, and that everything is unfolding as it should. Embrace the challenges and changes that come your way, knowing that they are ultimately leading you towards a greater understanding of yourself and the world.

In the end of this darkness the emerge of the feminine energy will rise. She neither political nor religious but is an essence in God energy.

As she steps into the spotlight, the world will witness a profound shift in consciousness. The feminine energy will bring about a rebalancing of the masculine and feminine energies within each individual, promoting harmony and unity. She will inspire leaders to govern with compassion, empathy, and wisdom, leading to a more peaceful and sustainable world.

The emergence of the feminine energy will also herald a time of healing and transformation on a personal and global level. Through her guidance, individuals will be encouraged to embrace their true selves and let go of limiting beliefs and societal conditioning. This inner work will lead to profound healing and the awakening of dormant potential within each person.

Furthermore, the divine feminine energy will inspire a reconnection with nature and the elements, fostering a deep respect and reverence for the earth and all living beings. This reawakening of our connection to the natural world will lead to a more sustainable way of living, in harmony with the planet and all its inhabitants.

In essence, the resurgence of the feminine energy represents a powerful force for positive change and transformation in the world. As individuals embrace this energy and align with their true selves, the world will be guided towards a new era of peace, love, and unity. The time of the feminine rise is upon us, and it is a time of great hope and transformation for all.

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